With each week, the house looks less box fort and more home sweet home. On June 8, we will find out where we are heading next (and when!). Options literally range the world, from a number of dusty Mexican border towns to Casablanca to Antananarivo to Moscow to Manila to Beijing. I'm hoping we'll get to stick around for at least another eight months, if not a year. If that happens, we may get our house into good enough shape to post pictures eventually.
Jeremy's Peace Corps class from Armenia had their five-year reunion over Memorial Day weekend. It was a fun, if exhausting time. I think many will agree that this was the highlight of the weekend:

That would be Jeremy, getting down with the belly dancer at Marrakesh restaurant in DC. Lacking a real camera, I had to use my cell phone to capture these images. You get the general idea. I unfortunately missed Jeremy's shimmy - for sure the best part of the dance.
Woohoo! You're back!