Thursday, September 22, 2011

At this time two years ago ...

... I was in early labor with Natasha.  My sister was hanging out with me while we waited.  We went to Marshall's where I bought a green dutch oven.  I cooked dinner in it tonight and thought about the anticipation of that day.  When was the baby going to arrive?  Would it be a boy (as I had long thought, so much for mother's intuition)?  What would the baby look like?  I had to wait another 27 hours to find out.

It was worth it.  Since birth (well, maybe since the end of the colic stage), this child has lit up every room she has entered.  Her laughter is irresistibly contagious.  She is funny and headstrong and full of life. 

Tonight after Z went to bed, Natasha and I drank hot chocolate and read books.  Then I rocked her for about half an hour before bed - a very rare occurrence these days.  And I thought about how, surely, it can't be true that we've had her for two whole years.

We'll be having more of those tomorrow.


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