Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Pascha is here again.  We celebrated as we always do - with lots of church during Holy Week, the baking of kulich, dyeing of eggs, taking the kids to church at midnight, Easter baskets and our annual Pascha party.  I did not do a great job of getting photos of most of these events this year, but here is what I have.

Cooling kulich in "vintage" coffee cans and new Moscow-purchased specialty pans.

Bleary-eyed kiddos getting ready to head to church at midnight.

Breaking the fast with kulich, paskha, prosciutto and cheese after church.

Morning Easter baskets.

1 comment:

  1. Like your Pasxas! For some reason mine didn't turn out well this year. I made two attempts and if first one was a fail, the second one was acceptable. I hope next year will be better. But I came to say that your kids are growing up so fast! Love the last picture, every one is happy and smiling and looking at the camera! :)


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