Thursday, May 24, 2007

Packing day

I wish I knew how to say that in Danish. Why Danish? Funny you should ask. My Blogger (the vehicle on which we create this blog) recently decided that I was actually a Dane, and thus all the instructions should be in Danish. It did this a month ago, and no amount of effort (including, yes, thank you, changing the settings on both My Blogger and my computer) has been able to switch it back. So now, instead of viewing a draft, I can "vis eksempel." Instead of moderating comments, I can "moderer kommentarer." I can also deal with "Indstillinger," "Skabelon," and"Betjeningspanel," whatever the heck those are. There is one word I recognize ... "Hjaelp!"

Anyway, the packers are coming in an hour and a half. Despite a freakout last night (Jeremy is getting a good taste of married life from 6,000 miles, I think), it seems most everything is in order. Despite the great shoe organization of Sunday, where I actually willingly put about three-eighths of my collection into storage, I was not able to stomach the thought of doing the same with my clothes. I realize I will regret this when our junk is delivered to our shoebox apartment at the Kabul Arms. But I don't have to worry about it for a good six or seven months. So there. Indlaeg! (Whatever that means.)

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